
Volunteer Overview

Be sure to check out the Volunteer Documents. You can also see what you signed up for on the Find My Location Page.

FIRST - don't be intimidated by all of this information. We provide a lot of details for the über-planners but volunteering is really straightforward. Volunteering is great – it’s how many people get into the sport. You’ll have the opportunity to meet some good people and see some amazing scenery, especially if you go to a remote Checkpoint (CP). The foremost priority that a volunteer has to be concerned with is safety – both yours and the racers. We also want you to have a lot of fun!

There are many roles that volunteers play and here are some of the things you may be doing, depending on what you sign up for:

Other Important Things to Know

Driving: When you sign in you will receive a list of instructions for your assignment and a map of how to get there. We try and give you a lot of time to reach the location before the teams. You will be moving at odd times during the race, which means you should be prepared to drive at night. You don’t require 4x4 vehicles unless otherwise stated. You will be driving primarily on dirt roads, which can be messy when it rains. Big RVs and trailers may have a hard time maneuvering, depending on your location. In some spots they are fine and actually a great idea. Just ask!

Weather: Some checkpoints are remote. This means there are sometimes no services. Please bring anything that will make you comfortable, including a camp-like setup and food if you wish. Only start fires in an appropriate area and only if it is allowed in that location.

Racer Protocol: Racers are expected to follow the rules at all times. If you seem something that doesn’t seem right, let us know. If a racer asks you to interpret the rules or make a judgment call, please contact Race Administration and we will do it. It is really uncommon, but if a racer becomes abusive in any way, report it; this is not acceptable and they will be pulled from the race.

Medical Emergencies: Volunteers are not expected to treat any injuries although they are allowed to help with minor problems such as bites, blisters and scratches. Anything beyond that really needs to be looked at by our Medical Crew who will be stationed around the course. If any racer doesn’t look well (delirious, dehydrated or somehow broken), please do contact our staff. The racer won’t be disqualified for receiving medical aid but we need to ensure they aren’t pushing themselves into a bad situation. If you do have first aid or medical experience, let us know!

Suggested Gear

Make sure you also have enough gear to keep yourself comfortable during the race. You will in the mountains and the weather can change quickly. A lot of this will be supplied in your volunteer gear, but we recommend the following, just in case:

Don't be afraid to ask questions – we want your experience to be rewarding and fun.


Sun River Honey

Sinister Sports Inc.
Box 460 Bellevue, AB, T0K 0C0

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